Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Weenie Wednesday

The devil has really been messing with my emotions this week and I have really been missing our little ones. David Jeremiah would be 26 months old and I'm sure keeping me very busy getting into everything. Little Hope Elyce would be 6-7 weeks old and I'm sure we would have had the changing of the guard from my mom to hubby's mom as I'm sure they both would have come to help with the new baby.
Times like this I'm thankful to have my puppies that allow me to cuddle with them, spoil them, and even dress them up. Here's some recent pictures of our adventures:

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

10 Things About Me-Grief Aside

Today I am linking up with Still Standing Magazine for the '10 Things About Me- Grief Aside.
The challenge focuses on the fact that though grief has changed us following the loss of our children, grief does not define us. Often in this community we know our 'loss friends' stories but we don't truly know them. We were people with lives, loves, passions, gifts, and dreams and we still are. For some of us a portion of our dreams has been stolen from us but we continue to dream.
Here is my list of 10:

1. Where were you born and where do you live? I was born in OH and currently live in VA. 

2. What is your favourite food? Ice Cream
3. What are you reading right now? Dream Big by Terri Savelle Foy
4. What is your favorite color? Pink
5. Sweet or Savoury? Sweet
6. Most amazing day of your life? My wedding day
7. What are you passionate about? Perinatal hospice
8. Hobbies? Playing piano, crafts, baking, and my dogs 
9. Your dream job? Being a mommy 
10. What have you been procrastinating on? Nursing CEUs